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You must:
🐾 fill out an application
🐾 If selected put a hold deposit down or Reserve deposit down
🐾 When puppy is ready, pay what is left
🐾 sign a purchase contract- pet only or breeding rights
🐾 sign a spay/neuter contract if purchase for pet only
🐾 Send in their AKC papers no matter whether limited or Full
🐾 Transfer their chip to your name with Angela Stiffler as alternate Contact
🐾 Please leave a review on our fb page
English Bulldog Full Registration / Breeding Rights
Limited or Full Registration/Pet or Show - What is best for your new English Bulldog
Limited or Pet Registration: Limited or Pet registration could mean several things in the words of an English bulldog breeder but on an AKC Dog Registration it means only one thing. You have no breeding rights to the bulldog. In such a case you should neuter or spay your pet to minimize health problems down the road and accidental litters among other things. Most if not all breeders should require this done in a certain time range for a limited registration. Usually a English Bulldog puppy with Limited Registration or Pet Quality will sell slightly cheaper, but not that much, English bulldogs are very expensive to breed, thus the high prices.
Reasons: Reasons your English bulldog might be limited can be that the breeder doesn't want to have his lineage given out, some English bulldog breeders go through a great amount of time and devotion to obtain the right breeding stock, sometime this can take years and years. It is possible that the breeder doesn't feel that this particular puppy is show quality, or not top show quality, this depends on the breeder. This does not mean that your English bulldog is deformed or is not the norm, it can mean that it might not be the best in a show, remember dogs compete from all over the world, to be top dog your dog needs to be in good standards. A very responsible breeder will limit the amount of bulldogs with full registration. Currently in California a motion to create a new law that requires all dog owners to spay or neuter their pets unless they are a registered breeder.
Full Registration/Show: Full or Show registration, means you have the right to breed and show the animal, the English bulldog is free of restrictions. Sometimes there could be limitations by a contract you sign upon buying your puppy, some breeders ask for a puppy back from the first litter, this is usually on the pick of the litter or exceptional bulldogs or bulldog lineage. Expect to pay more for a show quality English bulldogs. Even if your puppy is Full Registration and you believe that you will not have any litter then we recommend you have your English bulldog fixed.
Stiffler Bulldogs and Rescue
Danville, Indiana, United States
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